Interview with Luca Morin

When passion for mechanics overcomes education.
Today we interview our compressor assembly line manager-Luca Morin, who after graduating in typography, decided to follow his passion and make it a real job.

How did you start this job?
After my studies, I was not satisfied with the job opportunities that came my way. Back in 2001, I decided to follow my passion for the mechanical world and was hired at RefComp as an assembly line worker for screw compressors.
In the 14 years I worked at RefComp, I grown up professionally until today I am in charge of the entire assembly line of our compressors, from parts assembly to packaging.


What does your job consist of?
As a manager, I have to make sure that all stages of compressor assembly (assembly, testing, painting, finishing, and packaging), both screw and piston, are carried out perfectly, meeting our quality standards.


How long does it take to assemble a compressor from scratch?
It takes approximately 5 days. The most critical stages are testing, which the compressors must pass with flying colors, and finishing, the final stage before packaging in which attention must be paid to the options selected by the customer during the product configuration.


Do you like your job?
It has been 24 years since the first compressor was assembled, and I’m still lucky to say that yes, I love my job. The part that satisfies me the most is the idea of creating something from scratch, something that will be part of cooling plants located in different areas of the world.
To think of passing on 24 years of field experience on each compressor is a source of great pride for me. Attention to detail, a work team that I place great trust in and the made-in-Italy quality, make our compressors safe and reliable.


Thank you Luca!